
Margaret's Pets

This is Margaret's Pets, by Me.


Here are some sketches, doodles, cartoons.

This is how I wake up every sing day.


Crazy hair.


Yet again, one of the many moods I often experience on a daily basis.


Here are paintings done last semester. It was my first time using gouache. I'm only posting two out of the five I did, since the other three aren't finished yet.

This is Little Miss Muffett. Her face isn't how it is going to look when I'm done with it. I need to fix it up a bit.

This is The Patron Saint of Football. I like how it turned out. It was for an article about a man church.
I will be adding gold leaving to the halo very soon now.

Figure Drawings

Finally, I am posting my artwork.
These are figure drawings from last semester and a few from the semester I am in right now.

This is Noelle. Her head isn't actually that small. This was done with pen and graphite.

This is Erika. Her hand disappears somewhere around her neck, I don't remember how or why that happened. Pen and Graphite.

I did this in class on Monday

This was done last week sometime. I don't remember which day.

I did this today. I'm proud of how it turned out, since it didn't start very well.