
Some Sketchbook things

Here are some things from my current sketchbook. I've been sort of returning slowly to my older style. Except now it's a lot more refined and I can communicate ideas way better. It's almost like I spent 5 years in school learning art stuff. Ha! Haha...

Here's a toothpaste genie, along with a satisfied looking fat guy.

Here's some renditions of the toothfairy. Notice C.F. Payne's signature next to it. (I met him last night. :D He's awesome! Although I think I was extremely awkward when I introduced myself. "Hi! -silence- I'm....Hannah. Hannah Hillam. -silence- Do you think you could sign my sketchbook? Also...um...that's my rendition of the toothfairy...." Good thing he appreciated the sack of bloody teeth.)

Here's a comic thingy I did of a kid who has to pee. 


 Some showcase pictures.


Process of Branwen the Blessed

I have some of the steps I took while doing this piece. Also, I have a way better version than the one I posted yesterday. It's at the bottom.

Step One: Linework. I used brown India Ink and a calligraphy pen.
 Step 2: Starting to block in color.
 Step 3: Lighting on the arms and hands and some wall. 

 Step 4: More Lighting and an outline of the city outside the window. Also some wallpaper.

 Step 5: The Bird is here now! Playing around with the lighting.
 Step 6: Pushed the bird back a little bit. Still trying to make the lighting work.

For these last two I made her look a little more like a woman instead of a really pretty man. I also made her arm and the bird's wing break the box a bit. Her eyes aren't as weird looking, and the city looks a bit better. I replaced the rolled up note (which looked like a giant joint no matter what I did) with an unrolled note.

In this one I adjusted the saturation and put more detail into her eyes, lips, and the note.

I think there's still more to be done, but I'm happy turning this one in. 


Modernized Myth #2: Branwen the Blessed

Here's the second of the 5 myths I've been modernizing. This isn't exactly modern...but whatever. I had a lot of fun doing it. It's a version of the myth from the Second Branch of the Welsh Mabinogion. Read about it here: Branwen in the Mabinogion.

I'd really like to make Branwen more weary and tired looking. Also, I need to make the note look less like a joint, and I need to move it so it's not clashing with the edge of the painting. I also need to work on the city in the background. Make it look more industrial and "steam punk." I just don't have time yet. :)


Society of Illustrator's Student Competition 2011

Today the results from the SOI competition came in and I must say, there were some AMAZING pieces! Check them all out here:  SOI Student Competition Winners.

Congratulations to two of BYU's amazing and talented artists, Liz Pulido and Tyler Carter! Their pieces are fabulous. Click on their names to check them out.

I was a bit disappointed that I didn't have any chosen, but now I know that I need to really step it up if this people are going to be my competition someday. I'm feeling very humbled right now.

Here are some of the many favorites of mine that were chosen this year:

By Mary Katherine Blackwell

This piece is just beautiful! I love it, and I actually want to see if I can buy a print or something from her. Lovely piece!

by Ryan Harbin

The linework on this is beautiful. I'd like to try and emulate it in my next piece.

by Lorna Yarberry 

Wow! just, wow. Once again, I love the linework and I want to try to improve my linework to this degree. Also, beautiful drapery and hair.

Night Scene
by Kristina Wayte

Lovely atmosphere in this one. Her way of showing depth in the cityscape is wonderful.

Wild Dog
Corinne Reid

This looks a little Sam Weber-esque. I love the personality and feeling in the hands. Also the composition is great too. You wouldn't think having something floating in a circular composition would work, but this totally does.

Bay at Sunset
By Denise Nadal
Colors! Composition! Linework! Everything about this is my favorite.

A little digital sketch.

Sorta part of my new piece.